duck eggs vs chicken eggs
Here on our homestead we raise both chickens and ducks. Almost everyone is familiar with chicken eggs, but what about duck eggs? What’s the difference between duck and chicken eggs? And how do duck eggs they compare to the incredible, edible, chicken egg?
I’ll start with the most noticeable- size.  Our Khaki Campbell laid the large white duck egg on the left, while the brown egg is from one of our standard sized chickens. Even our newer layers- the Swedish Blue and Black- lay large to jumbo sized eggs right from the very start. The size difference is just as apparent from the inside- the yolk is much larger in the duck egg than in the chicken egg. The shells of a duck egg are much tougher, and it can be harder to get a clean crack, but it also leads to a longer shelf life.

Duck Egg Nutrition

When it comes to nutrition duck eggs and chicken eggs are pretty similar in their contents. But in most cases duck eggs come out on top.
  • They have a higher (good!) fat content
  • Ducks eggs are higher in protein than chicken eggs
  • They also have a little bit more cholesterol than chicken eggs (again, this is a good thing!)
  • They also contain more vitamins and minerals- such as iron, B12, folate and vitamin A
  • They are full of Omega-3 fatty acids
Another thing to note, is that many people who are allergic to chicken eggs can tolerate duck eggs. But be sure to talk to your doctor before giving that a try.

Cooking with Duck Eggs

Duck and chicken eggs vary somewhat when it comes to cooking. I love using duck eggs in my breads and cakes. Hard boiled? Not so much. They get a little rubbery.
Duck eggs have a richer flavor, which can be a positive or negative depending on your tastes. This difference in taste is most likely due to the higher fat content. When we cook eggs plain we usually use a mix of duck and chicken eggs. But when I do cook them separately I can’t tell too much of a difference when I have a plate full of scrambled duck eggs or a plate full of chicken eggs. You might have a more sensitive palate than I do though.  Duck eggs contain more albumen, which gives them more structure, thus creating a very light, fluffy, and rich baked good with a higher lift than those made with chicken eggs.

Raising Ducks vs Chickens

When it comes to raising ducks there are a few more differences. They are a bit messier- especially around water. Most backyard breeds don’t need access to a pond, but would be very grateful to have access to something to submerse themselves in- such as a wading pool, barrel or washtub. They do need to be able to get their head completely wet every now and then and they need water to swallow their food, so make sure there is always water available.


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