A family (from Latinfamilia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth),affinity (by marriage), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word "family" and/or shared consumption.

Main characteristics of family

Universality: There is no human society in which some form of the family does not appear.Malinowski writes the typical family a group consisting of mother, father and their progeny is found in all communities,savage,barbarians and civilized. The irresistible sex need, the urge for reproduction and the common economic needs have contributed to this universality.
Emotional basis: The family is grounded in emotions and sentiments. It is based on our impulses of mating, procreation, maternal devotion, fraternal love and parental care. It is built upon sentiments of love, affection, sympathy, cooperation and friendship.
Limited size: The family is smaller in size. As a primary group its size is necessarily limited. It is a smallest social unit.

Formative influence: The family welds an environment which surrounds trains and educates the child. It shapes the personality and moulds the character of its members. It emotionally conditions the child.
Nuclear position in the social structure: The family is the nucleus of all other social organizations. The whole social structure is built of family units.
Responsibility of the members: The members of the family has certain responsibilities, duties and obligations.Maclver points out that in times of crisis men may work and fight and die for their country but they toil for their families all their lives.
Social regulation: The family is guarded both by social taboos and by legal regulations. The society takes precaution to safeguard this organization from any possible breakdown.

Types and forms of the family

Types of families and their forms are based on various parameters. You can find the list of types of family and family forms, below. The types of family in sociology, have been classifiedas per world norms and not only India. Different types and structures of families in society have been listed.

Types of family on the basis of marriage

On the basis of marriage, family has been classified into three major types:
  • Polygamous or polygynous family
  • Polyandrous family
  • Monogamous family

Types of family on the basis of the nature of residence

On the basis of the nature of residence, family can be classified into three main forms.
  • Family of matrilocal residence
  • Family of patrilocal residence
  • Family of changing residence

Types of family on the basis of ancestry or descent family

On the basis of ancestry or descent family, can be classified into two main types
  • Matrilineal family
  • Patrilineal family

Types of family on the basis of size or structure

On the basis of size or structure and the depth of generations family can be classified into two main types.
  • Nuclear or the single unit family
  • Joint family

Types of family on the basis of the nature of relations

On the basis of the nature of relations among the family members the family can be classified into two main types.
  • The conjugal family which consists of adult members among there exists sex relationship.
  • Consanguine family which consists of members among whom there exists blood relationship- brother and sister, father and son etc.


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