Society & Psychology:
Psychology studies the mental process of behavior i.e. the effect of the individual mind on the behavior of group of man and vise versal.
Society is related to psychology because what it studies is a important part of society & social studies society.
Image result for sociology
Psychology depends on society and social studies. Society and psychology has to get the knowledge of society. Society is general science and psychology is a specific science. According to Megyver "Society gives special aid to psychology and psychology gives special aid to psychology relationship of society and psychology is shown by social psychology". Lapiere and Fransworth – "Social psychology is to society and psychology as bio-chemistry is to Biology & Chemistry".
Karl Pearson 'There is no distinction between society and social psychology. They are two sides of the same coin". According to Ward "There are some topics which are subject matters of both society and psychology such as socialization, Leadership psychology – mental process and society – social process.

Relation between Sociology & Anthropology

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