
    Image result for sociology
  1. Based on birth or birth is the determinant factor of caste system. Once born in a caste he has to remain the same. Status, position prestige is fixed according to his caste. i.e. A scribed. The castes are divided into sub-caste.
  2. Endogamy & exogamy – In a caste syst. There is restriction on marriage. Westermarck- "Restriction on marriage Endogamy & Exogamy are the essence of the caste system. "Endogamy their one's own caste or sub-caste. Exogamy –same caste but not same clean i.e. Gotra.
  3. Social Hierarchy is found in caste syst. Brahmin is high & sudra have the inferior position & prestige. Prof. Bhurey – Sanskritisation in this the lower caste people can initiate the upper caste. De-Sanskritisation – Upper caste can initiate the lower caste.
  4. Occupational restriction & hereditary occupation – your occupation is fixed by your caste. A black smith son will always be a black smith.
  5. Economic disparity – The higher caste people are generally economically better off & the lower caste people work harder & yet they get little benefit i.e. they are poorer.
Prof. Ghuray - According to him.
  1. Segmental division of society i.e. society is divided into diff. castes. Earlier there were 4 but now over 3000 & work education etc, are associated with it. Role, prestige etc, is fixed according to his caste. Every caste has moral obligation. All people are morally obliged to their own castes & sub-castes i.e. there are certain rules & regulations which one has to follow & are punished if they don't. They are not so much to that society or community but more to his caste.
  2. Social Hierarchy – In caste system, Hierarchy is found & the Brahmin are it the highest level & the Indra's are the lowest and therefore are the untouchables & even unseables. Sanskritisation is Ghuray's concept – i.e. this can initiate the higher caste & therefore change their position.
  3. Restriction on faced – In thro caste syst. There is restriction in the food too. The members of the higher caste can't take food from the lower caste. Kalahari- fruits can be eaten by the higher caste from anyone & nothing will happen. Pakka Khana – from the Kshtriya & Vaishya. Tried in ghee etc. Kachna Bhajan – rice or Kheer – This can be taken only from his own caste. All these are the 3 types of food & this is in ref. to the Brahmin, the highest class. There is no restriction in water too. Only the kahar can give them water & they can drink from no other caste generally the maids are Ramani Kahar, & because of this they feel somewhat proud cause they are not so backward so that their touched food may not be eaten.
  4. Restriction regarding marriage & social inter course – One should not marry within one's own clan. There is restriction even in social relationship & Bihari may marry a Bihari only & a Bengali a Bengali only.
  5. Occupational Restriction – In a caste syst. There is hereditary in occupation.
N.K. Dutta – In a caste system. There is supremacy of the Brahmin. The other parts. He mentioned on the same.

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