
Gangrene is a potentially life threatening condition in which the necrotic tissue attached to the living body is invaded by saprophytic, especially putrefactive bacteria.
The primary cause of gangrene is the lack of blood supply to the affected tissues.
Gangrene occurs in those organs that are directly or indirectly communicated with air.

1.      Local ischemia,
2.      Toxic products of certain organisms,
3.      Certain locally acting poisons,
4.      Mild burn,
5.      Presence of excess lipid,
6.      Deficiency of vitamin E and selenium,
7.      Exposure to saprophytic bacteria,
8.      In extremities and intestine, the main cause is the lack of blood supply,
      9. Ergotism
     10. Twisting, volvulus, ligature, intussusception of small intestine.
     11. In lungs- Toxic products of highly pathogenic bacteria, irritant medicines and faulty   
           administration of stomach tube.


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