jurnalism এর চিত্র ফলাফলAmerican society of newspaper editors (ASNE) prescribed the following canons of journalism in 1923 which are as follows.
1. Responsibility:

The journalist should be a responsible man and perform his duties responsibly.

2. Freedom Of Press:

Freedom Of press shall not be used as a weapon against any one. Journalist shall report the news in its true sense and shall not try to make someone’s image.
3. Independence:

The policy of a newspaper should be independent and shall not favour any political or administrative figure. There shall be no bias and prejudices against any one.
4. Sincerity, Truthfulness And Accuracy: self explanatory

5. Impartiality:

The newspaper editor shall show impartiality. He shall stand neutral in all cases.
6. Fair play:

The journalist shall show a fair play. They shall not misuse their position and shall work in the best interest of society.
7. Decency:
The journalist shall not give detail of any unethical crime. "If you really want to achieve something the whole universe conspires for you to get your dream realized."


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