Top fashion schools in London

Ranked the worlds second best city for students, the UK capital is has furthermore garnered a reputation as one of most in style cities in the world. Historically, fashion-breathing Britons have often looked across the Channel to the French for inspiration. But, in the last century, as the dominance of Parisian fashion has lessened, Londons fashion industry has undoubtedly emerged as a leader rather than a aficionado. Three of the depth fashion schools in London are featured below.

Central Saint Martins

Part of the University of the Arts London (UAL), Central Saint Martins offers programs in fashion, textile and jewelry design and currently has 1,200 students studying to profit their fashion degrees. Partially meting out-funded, Central Saint Martins is accessible to talented students from the complete social spheres and offers a world-class teaching staff, including international fashion figures such as Professor Louise Wilson. Undergraduate tuition fees for 2014-15 are UK9,000 (US$15,000) per year for UK and EU students and UK15,180 per year for international students (US$25,000). Notable former students colleague happening Alexander McQueen, Paul Smith, Stella McCartney and Christopher Kane.

London College of Fashion

Another school within the University of the Arts London, the London College of Fashion stands out for its wide range of fashion courses. The private school offers not unaided fashion design courses, but along with fashion auspices, journalism, buying and merchandising as competently as programs in beauty, cosmetic science, fashion curation and criticism, and even courses specializing in footwear and accompaniments. More than 2,547 students are enrolled in the first year alone, and tuition fees are the connected as at Central Saint Martins, past the two colleges are both allocation of UAL. Famous graduates stick Jimmy Choo and Rupert Sanderson.

Royal College of Art

Offering a range of graduate-level art and design courses, the world-adeptly-known Royal College of Art has relatively little enrolment numbers across its six schools. With in the set against ahead international tuition fees compared to the new two London fashion schools listed here (UK26,900; approximately US$42,000), the Royal College of Arts School of Materials gives students the opportunity to profit placements and put-on-act-court fighting experience at some of the worlds biggest fashion houses including the likes of Prada, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy and Burberry. Famous alumni be neighboring to Philip Treacy, Ossie Clark and Zandra Rhodes.

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