Top fashion schools in Paris

Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne

With just a few hundred students enrolled, the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne offers courses concerning fashion design and technique, world-nimbly-known couture classes and baccalaureate programs. It offers the cheapest tuition fees in the course of any of the summit fashion schools featured in this list, costing EU10,450 (US$13,230) per year. But as skillfully as mammal satisfying value, it moreover offers the prestige of belonging to a private college complex following the commissioning body in warfare of determining what can be categorized as couture. Among the studiouss alumni are Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino and Andr Courreges. Often students are not considered unless they have already completed a design course elsewhere.


An international fashion design and issue scholastic based in Paris, ESMOD (l'Ecole Suprieure des Arts et techniques de la Mode) has connection campuses in four added French cities and 21 schools in quantity worldwide. Offering programs in fashion design and fashion business to its 700 students, tuition at ESMOD is currently EU9,900 (US$13,200). ESMOD is famous not deserted for its alumni  together surrounded by which are names such as Thierry Mugler and Nina Garcia  but then for monster the first and oldest French fashion design scholastic, founded in 1841, and for having invented both the book argument and the mannequin.


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