Six Pakistani universities are in addition to featured in the QS World University Rankings 2016/17. These are:

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) 

Established in 1991 for the verification of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects, the National University of Sciences and Technology is the highest-ranked Pakistani educational circles in the QS World University Rankings, in the 501-550 range.* The academe circles prides itself approaching its modern incline and ranks as one of the pinnacle 250 universities in the world for electrical engineering in the QS World University Rankings by Subject.

Quaid-i-Azam University

Formerly known as Islamabad University but renamed in recognition of Muhammad Ali Jinnah (the founder of Pakistan), Quaid-i-Azam University is ranked 701+ in the world and is consistently ranked as one of the severity universities in Pakistan, and is located at the footfall of the picturesque Margalla Hills. Established in 1967, the college circles has recently collaborated when than various international institutes, including the United Nations and the University of Tokyo.

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) 

Founded in 1984, Lahore University of Management Sciences is a private research academic circles circles which is placed 701+ in the world and is the countrys highest ranked academic circles in the Asia rankings, at 111th (happening from 160-170 in the previous year). One of the most selective universities in Pakistan, it is furthermore relatively little, amongst vis--vis 3,500 students taught by 200 skill members.

University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore      

The along with of the extremity universities in Pakistan, the University of Engineering and Technology (a.k.a. UET Lahore), is furthermore ranked 701+ in the global rankings, and is a deeply selective public research academe. Established in 1921, it has developed a broad range of programs well along than the years, and was the first Pakistani academic circles to pay for a bachelor's degree in mining engineering in 1954.

University of Karachi 

Also ranked in the 701+ range internationally, the University of Karachi was founded in 1951 and is Pakistans largest studious, spanning 1,200 acres and once 800 academics teaching 24,000 students. The scholarly conducts a high level of research and has a large library of more than 400,000 books dating past happening to 1600.

University of Lahore

The University of Lahore is ranked 701+ and is the youngest of these top universities in Pakistan, having been usual in 1999. Its choice large educational, following on 22,000 students in 11 faculties and 32 departments. The bookish has seven campuses, located in Lahore, Islamabad, Sargodha, Gujrat and Pakpattan.

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