Disorders due to hormone deficiency (Hyposecretion)

Name of disorder
Hyposecretion of
1.       Acromicria (in adults)
Bones of the face and extremities are small and delicate.
2.       Addison’s disease
Hypertension, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood sugar, low plasma Na+, high plasma K+, increased urinary Na+ and bronze like pigmentation of skin.
3.       Cretinism (in children)
Retarded growth, low intelligence, delayed sexual maturity.
4.       Diabetes insipidus
Vasopressin (ADH)
Enormous secretion of urine (polyuria), excess thirst (polydypsia) etc
5.       Diabetes mellitus
Hyperglycemia (high sugar level in blood), glycosuria (sugar in urine), polyphagia (overeating), polydypsia (excess thirst) and polyuria (frequent urination).
6.       Dwarfism
Short in stature.
7.       Myxoedema (in adults)
Physical sluggishness, mental dullness, low metabolic rate, dry and coarse skin and puffy face.
8.       Tetany
Parathormone (PTH)
Steep drop in blood calcium level, abnormal rise in excitability of nerves and muscles, sustained and violent contraction of muscles of face, larynx, hands and feet.
9.       Eunuchoidism
Lack male secondary sexual characters, sterility etc

Disorders due to excess hormone (Hypersecretion)

Name of disorder
Hypersecretion of
1.       Acromegaly (in adults)
Abnormal growth of bones of face, lower jaw, hands and feet. Enlargement of internal organs such as lungs, spleen etc
2.       Adrenal virilism (in female)
Sex corticoid
Masculanization of females such as growth of beards and moustaches and male voice etc.
3.       Conn’s syndrome
Headache, Excessive urination at night, Excessive thirst, Excessive urination, Increased volume of blood, Increased blood sodium level, High alkalinity of blood and body fluids,
4.       Cushing’s syndrome
High blood sugar, obesity, deposition of fat in the face, neck etc. rise in plasma Na+ and high BP. In acute condition it leads to mental depression and impotency.
5.       Exophthalmic goiter (Grave’s disease)
Hypertrophy of thyroid gland, increased metabolism, high rate of heartbeat, bulging eyeballs, restlessness, nervousness and loss of weight.
6.       Gigantism (in children)
Excessive height, extreme bone, muscle and organ growth.
7.       Hyperglycaemia
Polyphagia, Polydipsia, Polyuria, Blurred vision, Fatigue (sleepiness), Weight loss
Poor wound healing (cuts, scrapes, etc.), Dry mouth, Dry or itchy skin, Tingling in feet or heels, Erectile dysfunction, Recurrent infections, external ear infections (swimmer's ear), Cardiac arrhythmia, Stupor, Coma, Seizures
8.       Insulin shock
Abnormal lowering of blood glucose (hypoglycemia), sudden fall of body temperature, fatigue, tremors and unconsciousness.
9.       Kidney stone
Accumulation of calcium in blood and it precipitate with phosphates to form kidney stones.
10.     Osteitis fibrosa cystica
Calcification of soft tissues like blood vessels

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