Selection aims to change the gene frequencies in order to improve the phenotypes in
subsequent generation.
Desirable characteristics for selection of Buck :
1. Buck should be the heaviest goat in the flock with a wide chest and well developed
barrel. A straight body in excellent condition and strong legs are necessary.
2. Buck should be complete absence of any physical defects.
3. Buck should be aggressive.
4. Buck with a rugged mane on the neck and shoulder reflects the breeding ability.
5. Have a good semen characteristics.
6. Must be vigorous.
7. Libido demonstration must be good.
8. He should be twin.
Desirable characteristics for selection of Doe :
1. Doe should be a large animal excellent conformation with a well developed body
which displays the particular breed characteristics.
2. For meat production goats, the rectangular conformation of the blocky meat animal
should be apparent. The dairy animal should display the wedge-shaped conformation
typical of a good dairy animal.
3. The legs should be long.
4. The udder should well formed, not pendulous and without super numeracy teats.
5. She should be twin.
6. Temperament should be good.
7. Docile and good mothering ability.
8. Doe should be good milker


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