Ossification of bone    

the process of bone development is called osteogenisis / ossification it is complex series of interrelated simultaneously occurring process cell migration mitosis differentiation modulation synthesis secretion extracellular mineralization and resorption 

                                                     Types of ossification
Bone formation occurs by two process
1. Intermembranous Ossification
2. Endochondral Ossification 

Image result for image of intramembranous ossification hd
Intermembranous Ossification


                                                Stages of Intramembranous Ossification

. . This process ouucur in the well vascularized connective tissue.  Intramembranous Ossification bone devlops of embryonic mesenchymal tissue that froms an ossification center . mesenchymal cell different directly into osteoblast. osteoblast secret osteod  matrix componets that calcify and from trabeculae and woven bone  . osteoblast trapped into matrix and called osteocytes these cell reside in small spaces called lacune and are connected with neighboring osteocytes by their cytoplasmic process within matrix canaliculi . continued matrix secretion calcification and trabecular growth lead slowly to the fusion of neighboring ossification center and gradually produce layer of compact bone .  the compact bone layers broadly enclose region of cancellous bone with marrow . deposition of concentric lamellae of matrix around blood vessel from osteons


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