of diseases via milk
studies have proved that diseases in both man and animals are sometimes caused
by the pathogens spread by milk. Although, the presence of such microorganisms
is not specific only to foods from dairy but from a variety of other sources
also. However, it is especially serious with dairy products because these are
mostly consumed without being heated and thus without destruction of harmful
micro-organisms. Accordingly, the sources of pathogens in dairy products,
conditions under which they grow, and methods of prevention or destroying them
is essential. Such knowledge is important to the manufacturer of dairy
products, because of the responsibility of producing only safe foods, and it is
of extreme importance for the supervisor of dairy plants, as the inspection is
the final protection efforts to the consumer. Although, the manufacturer and
supervisor should ensure consumer's safety, but it is also desirable that the
consumers are well aware to decide whether a particular dairy product is
satisfactory or not? Similarly, the farmer using milk or milk products for
animals feeding should know the probability of introducing diseases into his
herds through such products.
� Bacillus
� Campylobacter jejuni
� Escherichia
� Listeria monocytogenes
� Salmonella spp.
� Yersinia enterocolitica
It should be noted that moulds, mainly the
species of Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium can
also grow in milk and dairy products. If conditions permit, these moulds may
produce mycotoxins that can be a health hazard to the consumers.
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