Journalism এর চিত্র ফলাফল


Magazine journalism uses the traditional journalism tools of interviews, background research and writing to produce articles for consumer and trade magazines. Magazine journalism differs from newspaper journalism in at least five ways.

1. Newspapers have a very broad audience with widely varying ages and interests confined to one metropolitan area. Magazines have a national audience who has a very specialized interest in one particular topic.

2. Magazines are published monthly instead of daily. Therefore readers expect articles that are longer with much more in-depth analysis of issues and trends.

3. Magazine, a publication issued at regular intervals, usually weekly or monthly, containing articles stories , photographs, advertisement, and other features, with a page size that is usually smaller than that of a newspaper but larger that that of a book.

4. Magazine today is an important source of information. It performs entertainment function very well and builds the opinion of reader on the other hand.

Brief History:

• First magazine was “review” in 1704 written for nine years by Daniel defoe. It consisted of four pages three times a week.
• In 1709 “tattler “by Richard steel was published. It was edited by a fictitious editor called “isac Bickerstaff”.
• In 1711 “spectator” by joseph Addison was published.
In sub continent:
• First magazine published in 1870 was “hickey gazette” . the editor was James Augustus Hickey. It was an English magazine.
• After independence of Pakistan there was the birth of a new independent society in Pakistan.
• Journalism played up role in information of society.
• National press trust was created in 1963.
• General yahya relaxed restrictions but imposed later on.
• General ziaulhuq lifted restrictions for a short period.
• In 1988 interim government cancelled the press and publication ordinance and a new ordinance i.e. Registration of printing and press ordinance (RPPO) was made. __________________
Ahmad Shakeel Babar
"If you really want to achieve something the whole universe conspires for you to get your dream realized."


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