red chittagong cattle এর চিত্র ফলাফলMorphoology:

The length, height and the heart girth was 127±2.59 cm, 121±2.18 cm and 108±5.14 cm in male Cattle and 103±3.56 cm, 102±3.34cm and 134±4.21 cm in female Cattle. The horn, ear and teat pattern were almost similar with findings of Payne (2003). Thereasons of some variation in the observation of morphometric characteristics were due to environmental change and management
    red chittagong cattle এর চিত্র ফলাফল
  •  Coat color- Reddish, reddish yellow & reddish red.
  • Muzzle color- Whitish & reddish.
  • Hoof -reddish , pale red.
  • Horn- reddish black
  • Eye brow- reddish

1. Lactation length was found as 210.12±7.59 days. 
2. Average age of maturity of RCC was 32.42±3.58 months.
3.The average gestation length of RCC was found as 283±7.53 days.
4.The age at first calving wasobserved as 43.10±4.59 months.
5. The average calving interval of RCC in this study was found as 14.50±3.85 months. 

In conclusion, among the different types of cattle available in Bangladesh, the RCC is one of the most potential and promising type of Farm Animal Genetic Resource (FAnGR). In this study, these cattle are described or characterized by providing basic information of their morphological, productive and reproductive characteristics. The result obtained in this study based on the field survey. Therefore, further study should be carried out on few characters not studied in this experiment like genetic characteristics for their characterization, conservation and improvement.

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For more information please see...

Ahmed, Z., and T. S. Islam. 1997. Cattle breeding program through Artificial Insemination in Bangladesh. AI Extension Project
Report, Central Cattle Breeding and Bull Station, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1: 23-26.
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Habib, M. A., Bhuiyan, A. K. F. H., Bhuiyan, M. S. A. and A. Khan. 2003. Performance of Red Chittagong Cattle in Bangladesh
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Hasnath, M. A. 1999. Studies on crossbred cattle. Research bulletin. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics. Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 2 (1): 37-39.
Khan, M. K. I., Huque, K. S., Miah, A. G., and M. J. Khatun. 2000. Study on the performance of Red Chittagong cows under
different production systems. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 3(2): 318-319.
Mason, I. L. 1998. A world dictionary of livestock breeds, types and varieties. Third edition, CAB, Wallingford, 245-251.
Payne, W. K. A. 2003. Cattle Production in the Tropics. Volume 1. Longman Group Limited, England, 122-128.
Udo, F. F. 1994. Use of Ruminant Genetic Resources in the Tropics. Wageningen Agricultural University, Netherlands, 3 (1) 78-85


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