Development Support Communication
 Exchange of messages to achieve specific developmental goals
 It is direct, goal oriented, terminated after goal achievement
1. The theory of Cognitive Dissonance
a. Difference b/w belief and act
b. Person tries to justify to decrease dissonance
2. Two step flow of communication
a. Two steps of communication; first direct and second indirect
b. Originates the need of Opinion Leader
i. Characteristics of Opinion Leader
1. Official Sanction
2. Respected Authority
a. Accomplishment
b. Identity with Target
c. Position of Authority
3. Source of Authority
a. Enemy leader, fellow soldier, famous scholars

Development Communication

“Art and Science of human communication apply to the speedy transformation of a country and mass if tis people from poverty to a dynamic state and the larger fulfillment of the human potential”

Development Journalism
“A counter concept generated in developing countries against developed countries to provide information about developmental projects”


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