Journalism এর চিত্র ফলাফল

Need for communication

“He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or God” Aristotle
 Psychological and Biological need
 Communication  “Communis” means “Commonness”

 “The conveying or exchanging of ideas, knowledge, whether by speech, writing or signs” (Oxford English Dictionary)
 “The word communication includes all the procedures by which one mind may affect another, this process involves not only written and oral speech but also music, the pictorial arts, the theatre, the ballet and in fact all human behavior.” (Shannon and Warren Weaver)
 The Mechanism through which relations exist and develop – all the symbols of the mind together with the means of conveying tehm through space and preserviong them in time” (Charless Coley)

Types of Communication (Social point of view)
1. Intra-personal
2. Inter-personal
3. Extra Personal Communication
4. Mass communication

Other types
1. Accidental communication
2. Expressive Communication
3. Rhetoric communication


1. Elements
a. Source
b. Message
c. Channel
d. Receiver
2. Procedure of Communication
a. Encoding
b. Decoding
c. Feedback

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