Student Scholarships in Women’s Studies
The Women’s Studies Program seeks to support student learning and research through two scholarship programs: the Linda Galyon Undergraduate Scholarship and the Women’s Studies Graduate Scholarship.
Linda Galyon Undergraduate Scholarship
The Linda Galyon Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded each academic year to help support a student majoring in Women’s Studies. This $1,000 scholarship is given to a Women’s Studies student who demonstrates a strong commitment to the field of women’s studies and has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. The scholarship was established in 1998 in recognition of Dr. Linda Galyon’s outstanding contributions and commitment to the Program. During her 34-year career at Iowa State University, Dr. Galyon chaired Women’s Studies twice, from 1979-1984 and again from 1995-1998. She currently is Professor Emerita of English. Dr. Galyon obtained her B.A. and M.A. degrees from Indiana University and her Ph.D. from University of Iowa. Her research and publications focused on Renaissance scholarship, especially the works of Shakespeare, Spencer, and Christine de Pizan. She taught courses in Western and British literature, with a focus on women and gender. Dr. Galyon also served on numerous departmental and university committees.
Criteria and Application Guidelines
Scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria:
have a declared major in women’s studies
hold sophomore, junior, or senior sending at the time of application
demonstrate a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
be enrolled as a full-time or part time Iowa State University student
financial need will be taken into consideration
Applicants must complete and submit the Linda Gaylon Undergraduate Scholarship Application Form and supporting materials electronically to Dr. Gloria Jones-Johnson ( by March 6 for the following academic year. Scholarship awardees are notified by April 3.
Women’s Studies Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship is intended to help support female graduate students pursuing a Women’s Studies graduate minor in conjunction with their Masters or Ph.D. degree program at Iowa State University. The $1,000 scholarship will provide assistance to recipients as they make contributions to studying women’s contributions to the advancement of knowledge.
Criteria and Application Guidelines
Graduate scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria:
have a declared graduate minor in women’s studies
be enrolled full or part-time in a Master’s or Doctorate degree program at Iowa State
demonstrate a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
document financial need
Applicants must complete and submit the Women’s Studies Graduate Scholarship Application Form and supporting materials electronically to Dr. Gloria Jones-Johnson ( by March 6 for the following academic year. Scholarship awardees are notified by April 3.
Scholarships And Grants
A highly respected informational website features numerous links to a variety of financial aid opportunities. No matter what your course of study, find financial aid, scholarships and grants to make your career dream a reality.
Scholarships for Women
Scholarships have been established to assist a wide range of students who are interested in furthering their education. The money awarded does not have to be repaid, but there are often very specific requirements related to the eligibility of applicants and the expectations of recipients. Scholarships are awarded by a range of institutions and organizations, and are often focused on particular populations and interests.
Interested in supporting student scholarships?
Individuals interested in supporting student scholarships in Women’s Studies may contact the Erin Steinkamp, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Foundation Office, at (515) 294-3607. Contributions can be made to the ISU Foundation with a designation for Women’s Studies and mailed to Women’s Studies Program, 309 Catt Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.

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