pathology এর চিত্র ফলাফল
v Pathogen
Pathogen is the agent that can cause disease, e.g., virus, bacterium, fungus etc. 
v Pathogenicity
Pathogenicity is the potential capacity of a pathogen to cause disease. 
v Pathogenesis
Pathogenesis is the progressive development of a disease starting from the time of initiation to termination either recovery, invalidism or death.
v Pathognomonic lesion
Pathognomonic lesion is the specific lesion for a specific disease, e.g., Negri body formation for rabies.
v Lesions
Lesions are the changes of living tissues resulting from a disease. These are two types-
        i.            Microscopic lesions and
     ii.            Macroscopic or Gross lesions. 

v Sign
Sign is the manifestation of a disease that is observed by anyone other than the patient, e.g., blood pressure. It is objective.
v Symptom
Symptom is the manifestation of a disease that can be observed by the patient, e.g., pain. It is subjective. 
v Syndrome
Syndrome is a set of signs or symptoms that are correlated with each other and often with a specific disease, e.g., AIDS.
v Morbid change
Morbid change is the alteration of tissue resulting from a disease.
v Post-mortem change
Post-mortem change is the alteration of tissue after death.
v Ante-mortem examination
Ante-mortem examination is the examination before death.
v Post-mortem examination
Post-mortem examination is the examination after death.
v Autolysis
Autolysis is the destruction of a cell through the action of its own enzyme.
v Heterolysis
Heterolysis is the destruction of cells through the action of the enzyme of other cells. For example, lysozyme of neutrophils may destroy lymphocytes or bacteria.
v Health
Health may be defined as the state of normal physical, mental and social well-being.
v Disease
Disease may be defined as the state that impairs the normal functioning of the body.

Dr. Biplob Kumar Sarkar
DVM, MS in Pathology (BAU)

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