Initial Signs of Rabies

There are multiple phases of the rabies virus. Infected hosts may experience one, two or more of these phases. The following warning signs are associated with the earliest phase:
Image result for rabies of dog1. Restlessness
2. Apprehension
3. Biting or snapping
4. Licking, biting or chewing at the area of the infectious bite
5. Fever
6. Shyness
7. Irritability
8. Unusually docile behavior in an active animal
9. Aggression 

Progressive Signs of Rabies

As the virus moves from the muscle to the spinal cord, brain and eventually the saliva glands, different signs will appear. These symptoms usually occur in the last two phases of the virus:
Image result for rabies of dog10. Heightened sensitivity to light, touch or sound
11. Jaw hangs open
12.  Fear of water
13. Heavy breathing
14. Choking sounds or motions
15. Eating unusual items
16. Hiding in dark places
17. Paralysis of the hind legs or staggering
18. Loss of control over the throat
19. Foaming at the mouth
20. Dilated pupils
21. Loss of appetite
22. Weakness
23.Difficulty swallowing
24. Trembling
25. Disorientation or lack of coordination
Symptoms can appear as early as 10 days after the bite to as long as months afterward.

Short Note on Rabies

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