pathology এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Branches of Pathology
1.      General Pathology
General Pathology is the branch of Pathology which deals with the basic alterations of tissues when exposed to injurious agents or deprivation.
The basic alterations are-
ü  Alteration of the chemical composition of the tissue fluid,
ü  Alteration of the functions of the tissue,
ü  Alteration of the morphology of the tissue.
2. Special Pathology
Special Pathology is the branch of Pathology which deals with the application of knowledge of basic alterations learnt in General Pathology to specific diseases or systemic disorders.
There are two types of Special Pathology-
1.      Pathology of specific diseases and
2.      Systemic Pathology.
3. Clinical Pathology
Clinical Pathology is the branch of Pathology which deals with certain laboratory tests performed by clinician for the diagnosis of disease.
4. Post-mortem Pathology
Post-mortem Pathology is the branch of Pathology which deals with the lesions observed in systematic dissection of animal after death.
It is also known as Post-mortem examination.
It includes-
1.      Necropsy is the post-mortem examination of dead animal (carcass).
2.      Autopsy is the post-mortem examination of human dead body (corpse/cadaver).
5. Microscopic Pathology/ Histopathology/ Cellular Pathology
It is the branch of Pathology which deals with the microscopic study of pathological lesions of tissues.
6. Macroscopic Pathology
Macroscopic Pathology is the study of pathological lesions with naked eye.
7. Chemical Pathology
Chemical Pathology is the study of chemical alteration of body fluids and tissues as a result of disease.
8. Humoral Pathology
Humoral Pathology is the study of alteration of antibodies in individuals as a result of disease.
9. Anatomical Pathology
Anatomical Pathology is the study of the abnormalities in anatomy of organs.
10. Physiological Pathology
Physiological Pathology is the study of abnormal functions of organs as a result of disease.
11. Experimental Pathology
Experimental Pathology deals with the production of lesions by experimental method.
12. Molecular Pathology
Molecular Pathology is the branch of Pathology which deals with the derangement of molecules within cells, tissues and body fluids.
13. Oncology
Oncology is the branch of Pathology which deals with neoplasm.


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