Goat and ewes milks have unique nutritional values, which distinguish them from cows milk and make them a valuable alternative not just for infants but also for adults especially nursing mother. A well known difference for goat milk is the predominantly smaller size fat globule compared to the cows milk, which has been credited with easier digestion. The qualitative and quantitative difference in milk proteins of cows versus goat milk, especially alpha S-1 casein. In goat milk with its softer curd formation compared to cows milk. This may be another reason for better digestion of goat milk compared to cow milk.
Goat and ewe milk exceed cows milk significantly in most short, medium chain unsaturated ,saturated and essential fatty acids which are valuable to todays health conscious consumer. Unlike cows milk goats milk does not contain agglutinin. As a result the fat globules in goats milk do not cluster together, making them easier to digest.
The total mineral content of goats milk and cows milk is generally similar. Goats milk contain 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B-6, 47% more vitamin A, 13% more potassium and three times more niacin.


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