1.      Accidental cell death
Although the causes of accidental cell death are many, biochemical and structural alterations are common. These alterations are studied in details in hypoxic cell death, cell death by free radicals and cell death by bacteria and viruses. In all these cases, two changes are common-
1)     Loss of cell membrane integrity and
2)     Acute cellular swelling

2.      Hypoxic cell injury
In normal condition
Normally the cells are not in equilibrium with their environment. The energy dependent active ionic process or Na-K ionic pump or Na pump maintains this imbalance so that Na and Ca cannot enter into the cell and K and Mg cannot leak out from the cell. The pump utilizes energy liberated from hydrolysis of ATP and moves three sodium ions out of the cell & two potassium ions into the cell.
In case of hypoxia
Disturbance of mitochondria
No ATP production
Disturbance of energy dependent active ionic process
Loss of selective permeability of cell
Influx of Na and Ca into cell and leak out of K and Mg from cell
Increase in osmotic pressure
Influx of water
Acute cellular swelling

In transient period
Glycolytic pathway
ATP production
Production of lactic acid
Reduction of pH of cell
Inhibition of phosphofructokinase enzyme
No glycolytic pathway, No ATP
Decreased pH causes clumping of the nuclear chromatin and inhibits synthesis of RNA

In Ca influx
Influx of Ca in cell
Reaction of Ca with phosphate
Initiation of phospholipase enzyme activity
Loss of phospholipid of cell membrane
Loss of integrity of cell membrane
Cell death ultimately

3.      Cell injury induced by free radicals
Most of the free radicals that cause cell injury are the toxic metabolites. Free radicals are-
                        - Superoxide
                        - Hydrogen peroxide
                        - hydroxyl ion
Free radicals inactivate cellular enzymes and damage the DNA of the cell. Ultimately there is acute cellular swelling.

4.      Cell injury induced by chemicals
The exogenous chemicals induce cell injury and death by either of the two mechanisms-
a. Binding directly to structures or reactive chemicals of cellular organelles
Damage of cell membranes or the ability of cell to generate ATP
Loss of homeostasis and normal function.
b. Transformation of chemicals to more reactive metabolites
Production of free radicals
Permanent membrane damage and cell death

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