Pathologic Ossification

Ossification is the natural process of bone formation.
Pathologic ossification is the formation of bone in nonosseous tissue.

      Tendons of turkey,
      lateral cartilages of horse’s foot,
      tracheal and laryngeal cartilages,
      interalveolar septa of lung,
      chronically injured muscle,
      renal pelvis etc.

1.      Prolonged irritation,
2.      Hereditary tendency,
3.      Dystrophic and metastatic calcification.

Microscopic appearance
1.      Presence of osteocytes and lacunae.
2.      Functioning marrow may also be found.

 pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল

1.      Pathologic ossification mechanically interferes with the movement of tissue such as muscle.
2.      It interferes with the gaseous exchange of oxygen in the lungs.


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