Silicosis is the condition in which silicon dioxide (silica) is deposited in lungs.
It occurs when silicon dioxide is inhaled in rock quarries and mines or in any condition where rock is being cut or sandblasted.
1.      The lungs are nodular and firm due to fibrosis.
2.      Lungs may be pigmented as a result of concomitant anthracosis (silicoanthracosis).

Siderosis is the condition in which iron dusts (iron oxides, especially hematite) are deposited in lungs.
It occurs when iron dusts are inhaled in foundries or mines.
Brick-red color of the lungs is due to the presence of hematite or iron oxides.
Iron can be specifically demonstrated with the Prussian blue reaction.

Asbestosis is the condition in which asbestos is  deposited in lungs.
It occurs when asbestos is inhaled during mining, manufacturing, handling or removal of asbestos.
Asbestos is widely used in the manufacture of fire-retardant insulating materials.
In human, it causes bronchogenic carcinoma and mesothelioma of pleura and peritoneum.
The pleura is thickened and the lungs are firm.
Argyria/ Argyrosis


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