pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফলPhotosensitization is the allergic reaction of the skin to light due to the presence of photodynamic agents (originated from certain drugs, plants or other substances).
Ø  Human,
Ø  Cattle,
Ø  Sheep,
Ø  Goat,
Ø  Pig and
Ø  Horse.
Clinical Signs
Ø  Burning or itching sensation,
Ø  Erythema,
Ø  Inflammatory edema,
Ø  The skin may be necrotic and may slough off within few days in severe cases,
Ø  Affected areas of animals are- teat, udder, perineum,
Ø  In sheep, muzzle, head and ears are affected and this head is called ‘Big head’ in South Africa and ‘Facial Eczema’ in New Zealand,
Ø  In horse, face, lower portion of limbs and unpigmented skin are mostly affected,
Ø  Healing or gangrene and death may occur.
Conditions required for Photosensitization
Ø  Direct sunlight,
Ø  Photodynamic substance in circulation and
Ø  Unpigmented area of the body.


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