pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল


The infarct is anaemic or pale, conical shaped and found in corticomedullary junction. Infarct in kidney is very frequent and fibrosis occurs over time.
In dog and pig, chronic valvular endocarditis is followed by renal infarct.


The infarct may be pale or red, e.g., in hog cholera.


The infarct is rare in animal and if found it may be pale or red.


The infarct is always haemorrhagic.


The infarct is usually haemorrhagic and occurs due to strangulation or intussusception or twisting.
In horse, infarct in intestine results from infestation of Strongylus vulgaris in the anterior mesenteric artery.


The infarct is rare and if occurs, the cause is blockage of hepatic artery.


The infarct is very rare and if occurs, it is haemorrhagic and results from the blockage of pulmonary artery due to Dirofilaria immitis.

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