pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Gross Characteristics of Infarct
1. Red infarct is red, slightly protruded over the normal tissue and soft.
2. Pale infarct is paler than normal, depressed, dense and tough to cut.
3. The old infarct is characterized by scarring, which is also depressed than the surrounding  
    normal tissue.
4. Infarct is sharply demarcated by a line of demarcation.
5. It is triangular or pyramidal or conical in shape.

Microscopic Characteristics of Infarct
1.      Coagulation type of necrosis, ie,
Ø  More acidophilic cytoplasm,
Ø  Pyknotic, karyorrhectic or karyolytic nucleus
           with or without blood.

2. Zone of inflammation may be present.
When a small amount of blood continues to flow the structures having prior access to the blood may survive as a living oasis in necrotic desert.

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