Types of infarcts:
There are two types of infarcts-
1.      Red or haemorrhagic infarct and
2.      White or anaemic infarct.

Infarct occurs in organs that have single end artery, e.g.,
      Brain- supplied with carotid artery,
      Heart- supplied with coronary artery,
      Kidney- supplied with renal artery,
      Lung- supplied with pulmonary veins.

Development of infarct:

In infarct, the capillaries are damaged. But, blood may come to the infarct from the surrounding living capillaries and from the venous side.
In that case, necrotic tissue is filled up with blood and known as red infarct. It is mainly found in soft tissues/ organs, e.g., skin, lungs.
Pale infarct occurs in compact tissues/ organs, e.g., kidney as blood can not come to the necrotic tissue from the surrounding living capillaries due to the denseness and imperviousness of the tissue.


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