pathology এর চিত্র ফলাফলDifference between Post-mortem Autolysis and Necrosis

Gross difference:
Post-mortem autolysis
Loss of colour and strength in all organs or tissues.
Loss of colour and strength only in the involved tissue.
Putrefactive odour comes out from the autolyzed tissue.
Putrefactive odour comes out only if gangrene occurs.
Autolytic changes occur such as, imbibition of blood, bile, pseudomelanosis and desquamaton of GI epithelium.
No such changes occur except desquamation in some cases.
There is no line of demarcation.
There is a line of demarcation between living and dead tissue.
Hemolyzed blood is present in the left ventricle.
Normal blood is present in left ventricle.

Microscopic difference:

Post-mortem autolysis
Dead cells are present uniformly in microscopic focus.
Normal, degenerating and dead cells are present in the focus.
Hemolyzed erythrocytes are within the blood vessels.
Erythrocytes within blood vessels are intact with sharp outline and normal staining characteristics.
There is no inflammatory zone and no inflammatory cells.
Inflammatory cells mainly neutrophil are present at the junction between living and necrotic cells (inflammatory zone).
There is a definitive sequence in the occurrence of post-mortem autolysis.
Adrenal medulla    Gall bladder   GIT   Neurons    Connective tissue    Enamel.
There is no sequence of occurrence of necrosis. Depending on cause, any tissue may be involved.


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