Image result for nematodeCharacteristics of Trichostrongyloidea superfamily:
·         The trichostrongyloids are small, often hair like worm in the bursate group.
·         Worms of this group parasitize the alimentary tract of animal and birds except Dictyocaulus.
·         Structurally, they have few cuticular appendages and the buccal capsule is vestigial.
·         The males have well developed bursa and two spicules (it is used for identification)
·                     Life cycle is direct usually non migratory
·         Ensheathed L3 is the infective stage
·         The most important alimentary genera are
  • Nematodirus
  • Hyostrongylus
  • Marshallagia
  • Mecistrocirrus
o   Haemonchus
o   Trichostrongylus
o   Cooperia

·         Dictyocaulus spp. Are found in Trachea and bronchi, particularly of diaphragmatic lobes.


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