Female genital organs:
  1. Two ovaries
  2. Two oviduct (here fertilization of ovum takes place)
  3. Two uterus (unite in receptaculum seminis)
  4. receptaculum seminis
  5. Vagina
  6. Vulva:
    1. vulva opens in various position on the ventral surface
    2. Vulva may be covered by vulvar flap. e.g. Haemonchus sp
7. Oveiectors: It is a short muscular organ which is situated at the junction of uterus & vagina same species which assist in egg-laying.
Types of uterus: on the basis of arrangement:
  1. Amphidelph: Both uterine tubes run to opposite direction from the vulva.
  2. Prodelph: Both uteri running forward from vulva.
  3. opisthodelph/postdelph: Both running backward.

Amphids & phasmids:
  • A pair of depression occurring on the head end called amphids when placed at the posterior end called phasmid.
  • These are chemoreceptor & are well supplied with nerve fibers & associated with glandular structures.
  • On the basis of phasmides,   nematodes are classified as
      • .Phasmidia
      • Aphasmidia
Plaques & cordons:
They are plate and cord like ornamentations present on the cuticle of many nematodes of the superfamily Spiruroidea.


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