Necrosis is the characteristic light microscopic changes resulting from enzymatic degradation of nucleus and cytoplasm at the point of no return.
Necrosis usually appears 12- 18 hours after cell death.

Characteristics of Necrotic Cells and Tissues
Characteristics of necrotic cells and tissues are of two types. These are-
1.      Gross characteristics of necrotic tissue and
2.      Microscopic characteristics of necrotic cell.
 pathology এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Types/Forms/Classification of Necrosis
      On the basis of gross characteristics of necrotic tissue-
1.      Coagulation necrosis,
2.      Caseation necrosis and
3.      Liquefaction necrosis.

      On the basis of tissue involvement-
1.      Fat necrosis and
2.      Zenker’s necrosis.


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