Significance and effects of Gangrene

1. The therapeutic strategies are usually directed toward the stopping the spread of gangrene.
2. The principal therapeutic effect is taken to stop the gangrenous effect by amputation of the  
    affected part of the body where it is possible.
3. The bacteria may produce toxin which may enter into the circulation. This condition is   
    known as toxemia.
4. The bacteria may enter into the circulation. This condition is known as bacteremia.
    Presence of toxic products of putrefaction in the blood is known as sapremia.
4. Both the bacteria and their toxins may be present in the circulation. This condition is known    
    as septicemia.
    The whole body inflammation along with viable bacteria with their toxins in the blood is   
    known as sepsis.
5. Naturally inflammatory activity takes place in the line of demarcation and it prevents the   
    bacterial colonization and killing of healthy tissues.
    The dead tissue may be dropped off following healing which is the usual outcome of dry  

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