pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Degeneration and infiltration are biochemical or morphological retrogressive changes due to metabolic disturbances in cells and tissues characterized by abnormal structural changes and decreased functions.
When there are changes of the tissue itself, it is degeneration; when the changes consist in the deposit of abnormal matter in the tissues, it is infiltration.
Metabolic disturbances of cells→ Biochemical or morphological retrogressive changes of cells
Changes in composition and function of cells→ Degeneration and Infiltration
            1. Disturbances in protein metabolism
§   Acute cellular swelling,
§   Hydropic degeneration,
§   Intracellular accumulation of protein,
§   Hyaline degeneration,
§   Amyloidosis,
§   Fibrinoid degeneration,
§   Mucoid degeneration.
            2. Disturbances in fat metabolism
§   Fatty change,
§  Fatty infiltration.
            3. Disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism
§  Glycogen storage disease.


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