pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল
1.      Intrinsic or predisposing factors
            (i) Heredity- Some chicken are susceptible for leucosis whole others are resistant for leucosis.
            (ii) Age- Neoplasms are more common in old age.
            (iii) Pigmentation- In white horses Melanosarcoma is common. Squamous cell carcinoma is common in Hereford cattle.
            (iv) Sex- No difference, tumors of genital tract are common in females.
     2. Extrinsic factors
            (i) Physical factors- Radium or UV -rays, X-rays, ionizing radiation
            (ii) Chemical factors
                 A. Initiators
            1. Coal-tar
            2. Naturally occurring products e.g. Aflatoxins,
            3. Alkylating agents e.g. cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil.
            4. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons- Tobacco, smoke, pollutants, methylcholanthrene,    
               banzapyrene, benzanthracene
            5. Aromatic amines- h-naphthylamine bezidine
            6. Azodyes
            7. Acylating agents- acetyl imidazole
            8. Vinyl chloride monomer
            9. Arsenic
            10. Metals- Nickel, lead, cobalt, chromium
            11. Insecticides- Aldrin, Dieldrin, Chlordane
                B. Promoters
            1. Phenols
            2. Hormones- Estrogen
            3. Drugs- Phenobarbital
            4. Artificial sweeteners- Saccharine
            5. Coloring/ flavoring agents, preservatives
           (iii) Virus
            1. Papilloma virus
            2. Polyoma virus
            3. Adeno virus
            4. Poxvirus
            5. Hepdna virus- Hepatitis B virus
            6. Retrovirus
            7. Herpes virus

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