pathology এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Caseation Necrosis

The term “caseous” (cheese-like) is derived from the friable yellow-white appearance of the area of necrosis.
Once cause is removed, caseous materials undergo liquefaction slowly and ultimately removed from body.

Caseous necrosis occurs in-
      Ovine caseous lymphadenitis,
      Actinomycosis etc.
      Some microbial toxins, e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Gross lesions:
      Necrotic tissue becomes soft, friable and whitish gray materials like ‘milk curd’.
      It is easily separable with blunt instrument.
      If there is calcification, there is gritty sound during cutting.

Microscopic lesions:
      Loss of cell outline and differential staining.
      Tissue is disintegrated to purple colour granular mass due to mixture of reddish cytoplasm and bluish nucleus.
      There may be capsulation around the caseous mass.

      The dead tissue may be encapsulated.
      Dystrophic calcification may occur.
      Liquefaction may occur at last.
      It is the indication of some diseases, e.g., tuberculosis.


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