Rearing of sheep and goat are mostly integrated with
crop agriculture in Bangladesh.
Backyard farming is prominent where youngs are such by
the lactating does and little care is taken regarding the housing, feeding,
care and other management.
However the common system of rearing goats :
a) Backyard rearing
1. Goats and Sheep are reared with care. Young are
sucked by the does.
2. Little bedding is provided during winter and Rainy
3. Little concentrate feed (home produced) is given.
4. Tethering is common for the adults.
5. Lambs/kids are kept free up to weaning and a few
months after weaning(before 5 month)
6. Locally available bucks are used for breeding.
There is no choice for breeding buck (commonly).
7. Goats and sheep are allowed for free ranging during
intercropping and after flood/rains where the low laying areas are free.
8. Roadsides are commonly used for grazing.
9. Veterinary care are not done until and unless
10. Vaccination is not generally done.
b) Nomadic system rearing
Where the herd / flock is allowed to graze breed
freely in the field. Nomads change their temporary place / residence time to
time with the availability of grazing facility. In Bangladesh there is no such
scope to practice nomadic rearing.
c) Extensive system rearing
1. In this system animals are reared in larger area
and the number of animals are also big. Generally when large scale of farming
is carried out extensive is there. The farm possesses an extensive ground both
for housing and grazing.
2. Where goats are ranged freely, supplementary
concentrates are fed, when pasture is of poor quality, goats and ewes are in advance pregnancy.
3. Selective breeding is done.
4. Veterinary care is taken. Vaccination is performed
5. Housing provided with due care and requirement.
6. Bedding is given when needed.
In Bangladesh this system is very uncommon other than
in some special areas.
d) Intensive system rearing
Though the word “ intensive rearing” is used to mean
rearing sheep and goat in fulltime housing. This system is not practiced in
Bangladesh. However in this system housing, breeding and other care and
management are performed in full control of the farmer and noticed more
e) Semi- intensive system rearing
1. Under this system of rearing sheep and goat, the
animals are reared in such a condition when they are allowed for grazing long
time in the pasture/ grazing. Supplementary concentrates are allow.
2. Breeding is done in both selective and random way.
3. Veterinary care and vaccination are done in a
moderate way.
4. The sheep and goat are sometimes allowed to graze
with other animals like, cattle, and buffalo and even housed together with
In Bangladesh in costal areas and in northern part of
the country, many farmers follow this system.
f) Tethering system rearing: Tethering are practiced in the tropics area. Two
systems are common -
1. Tied to a single peg: Goats are tied by a rope. The
length of the rope represents the area available for grazing and browsing are usually is quite short 3-5 m in length.
By shifting the peg or choosing a
different free or rest free access to a
fresh grazing area is provided.
2. Tied to a ring on a
wire between two peg: A rope is tied to a ring which
slides on a wire about 3 m long in between two pegs. A goat tied to this ring
can move along parallel to the wire on either side. This method provides a
rectangular area for grazing.
Water is provided when the goats are shifted to shed at
night. Very little or no concentrates, salts or mineral bricks are provided.
Occasionally supplements such as households scraps. Small qualities of grains and their by
product are given.
The main reasons for using this system is that the goat are
closely controlled.
Goats are generally allowing them to graze mainly surrounding
the house or open fields and one left tethered with a short rope from morning
to evening.
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