goat breeding এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Housing and Equipment’s

The animal must have adequate –
1.     Space,
2.     Light,
3.     Ventilation,
4.     Access to feed & water,
5.     Freedom to exercise.

Basic facilities: There are two choices –
1.     Slatted house.
2.      Bedded with straw or wood shavings.

      Slat may comprise wood, wire, steel, mesh expanded metal or concrete.
      Slat should be----
1.     Slip resistant
2.     Self cleaning
3.     Waste will remove easily.

a)     Recommended width of a slat is 25 – 100 mm.
b)    Gap between slats is 16 mm.
c)     Depth of manure pit below the slat is 1 m.
d)    Floor space over slat per animal is 0.4 – 0.9 sq. m.

Slatted floor

a)     Animal feel comfort and themselves are likely to stay in good and clean condition.
b)    A greater stocking density is possible.
c)     The ability to accumulate manure in pit below the slat, reduce the labour cost.
d)    Labor in pit is low,
e)     Extra expense of bedding is not need.
f)      Disease prevention easy.

a)    Installation instrument is high cost.
b)    Injury risk due to break down of any slat.

Straw, saw dust and peat floor

Advantages :
a)     Straw, saw dust or peat works as insulation. These provide wormer environments.
b)    Space is large there is enough space for exercise.

Disadvantages :
a)     Greater floor space is required than slat.
b)    Bedding materials may be wet which cause many diseases.
c)     Causes respiratory problem.


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