goat এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Kingdom- Animalia:  Animals collectively, the animal kingdom.
Phylum- Chordata:   one of the approximately twenty one phyla of the animal kingdom in
                                      Which there is either a backbone(in the vertebrates)or the rudiment
                                    Of backbone, the chordata.
Class-Mammalia:  Mammals are warm blooded hairy animals that produce their young
                                  alive and suckle them for a variable period on a secretion from the
                                  mammary gland.   
Order-Artiodactyla: Even toed hooped animals.
Family-Bovidae:  Ruminants having polycotyledonary placenta hallow nondeciduas
                               Unbranched horns and nearly universal presence of gall bladder.
Genus- Capra: The genus consisting of the domestic and wild goats. Horns of the male are
                           Large, bulky and mostly sabrelike. The males have beared at the chin.
Species-Capra hircus: (Domestic goat)
The domestic goat of different breed were developed from the wild goats Capra aegagrus.
wild goats( Capra aegagrus).
The bezoar of pasanga                          The ibex                                                 The markhor
 C. a. aegagrus                                       C. a ibex                                                c. a falconary
(Western Asia)                                                                                                          (Africa)
Asian breed                                                                                                Nubian breeds of African

Goats which belongs to the genus capra has possibly been developed from the following 5 wild species: 1)Capra hircus, The true goat including the Bezoar. 2)Capra ibex, the ibexes, 3)Capra cocasiea,  the cocasian tur. 4)Capra pyrenaica, the Spanish ibex; and 5)Capra falconeri, the Markhor.      

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