1. The whole management system including housing is very poor for producing healthy animals.
2. Severe shortage of mature superior bucks in order to serve does in estrum. Some bucks are used for many generations which increases the co-efficient of inbreeding causing detrimental effects on production and thriftiness. For shortage of breeding bucks there remains a good number of heated animals without service for consecutive.
3. In many situations, milk production is very low, not even sufficient for nursing their kids but no alternative approaches for the supplementation are practiced by the farmers for the kids in the pre-weaning stage.
4. Grazing facilities are very limited specially during cropping season and during dry period. Fodder production for goat is almost absent. Proper care, feeding and lower birth weight, reduces milk production by the dam and hence leads to higher dead or mortality.
5. Disease of goats, particularly parasitic infestation is another factor responsible for the higher mortality of both the kids and the mature animals but little effort and facilities are available for the prevention and control of diseases.
6. Approaches for the supplementary feeding in the critical period and sensible stages of life are absent or neglected.
7. Lack of appropriate technology and infra structural support for   the promotion of production in the rural areas.
8. Shortage of trained personnel and extension services at the each of farmers door.
9. Lack of technical knowledge, how for the initiation of the development policy best  suited in the rural conditions. Serious lack of integrated effort between the policy maker and the scientists, make the whole developmental approaches unproductive and meaningless in the present context.
10. No breeding policy has yet been formulated for the conservation of the genetic resources and the improvement of most economically important traits of goat


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