goat farming, commercial goat farming, goat farming business, commercial goat farming business, goat farming in bd, commercial goat farming in Bangladesh, goat farming profit
There are many advantages of starting commercial goat farming business. I am describing the main benefits of goat farming in Bangladesh.
  • Goats are small livestock animal. They require less space and care than cattle.
  • Goat care and management process are very easy and simple. Woman can easily raise some goats along with their regular household activities. And the children can also raise them perfectly with their studies.
  • The Government of Bangladesh is continuously inspiring the people for setting up small scale goat farm and creating many opportunities necessary for goat farming business.
  • Goats are multi purpose small sized livestock animal and they are suitable for commercial milk, meat, fiber, skin and manure production.
  • Goats require less living space, care and additional facilities compared to other livestock animal like cattle.
  • They can manage themselves with less management, care, housing and feeding. In small scale production, you can keep your goats with other animals like cow or sheep.
  • Infrastructure, feeding, treatment and other production costs are less.
  • Highly productive goat breeds are available and suitable for farming in Bangladesh according to its weather, climate and other circumstances.
  • Goats are smaller in size but reach slaughter age faster.
  • Their are no religious obligations or taboo for consuming goat products like meat and milk.
  • Many highly productive local and foreign goat breeds are available and suitable for commercial production.
  • Goat meat has a great demand and value in the local Bangladeshi and international market. Goat milk is very suitable for human health and the popularity and consuming rate of goat milk is increasing rapidly. So, you don’t have to think about marketing your products.
  • Commercial goat farming in Bangladesh can be a great source of income and employment for the unemployed educated people of Bangladesh.


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