pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল

An infarct is a localized necrotic tissue resulting from obstruction of blood supply to the affected area.
The process of formation of an infarct is known as infarction.
Infarction usually occurs in those organs which are supplied by a single-end artery. In infarction, there is a sharp line of demarcation between infarcted tissue and normal tissue.

Significance and Result of Infarct

Significance and result of infarct depends on the organ involved and the size of the infarct.
1.      If the area of infarction is small, there is no clinical manifestation.
2.      Fibrosis limits infarction and save the patient.
3.      Shock may result due to absorption of histamine from infarct.
4.      Gangrene develops after invasion of saprophytic bacteria.
5.      Infarction of vital organ, like brain, heart, liver, kidney results in the death of individual.


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