Image result for rabies of dogRabies is a virus that may affect the brain and spinal cord of all mammals, including dogs, cats and humans. 

Rabies causes the deaths of more than 50,000 humans and millions of animals worldwide. Once symptoms appear, the disease results in fatality.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The common sign and symptoms of rabies are 
1. Restlessness
2. Disorientation or lack of coordination
3. Aggression
4. Licking, biting or chewing at the area of the infectious bite
5. Fever
6. Foaming at the mouth
7. Loss of control over the throat
8. Unusually docile behavior in an active animal
9. Biting or snapping
10. Heightened sensitivity to light, touch or sound
11. Paralysis of the hind legs or staggering
12. Hiding in dark places
13. Heavy breathing
14. Choking sounds or motions
15. Eating unusual items


There is no treatment. Once the disease develops in humans, death is almost certain. There have been several reported cases of dogs surviving the infection, but they are very rare.

Vaccination and prevention

Vaccination is the best way to prevent infection. Dogs can be vaccinated for rabies (some countries do not have the presence of rabies so will not offer this vaccination, such as the United Kingdom). Keep your dog leashed outdoors and always supervise him when outside. Avoid contact with wild animals where possible.


All warm-blooded animals are at risk for contracting rabies, however, some species are much more resistant than others. Transmission of the virus is almost always through a bite from a rabid animal. There are a variety of different symptoms and once contracted there is no cure, and death is almost always the outcome. The disease is very preventable through vaccination. While relatively rare in humans, the risk of contracting it, and the outcome of the disease make taking precautions with wild animals and vaccination of domestic ones essential.

Kazi Abdus Sobur
DVM (2018)


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