Toothbrushing can remove the dental plaque on tooth surfaces. We should brush our teeth in the morning and before bed at night every day. Thorough removal of plaque can prevent gum disease.
Place the toothbrush at an angle towards the gingival margin (gum margin)
The toothbrush head should be placed with the tips of the bristles tilted at an angle towards the gingival sulcus which is located at the gingival margin, and where plaque tends to accumulate.
Photograph of a longitudinal section of a tooth and its surrounding tissue, showing the accumulation of plaque in the gingival sulcus  between the tooth and the free gingival margin.
Dental plaque accumulates in the sulcus
Photograph of a toothbrush placing with the tips of the bristles tilted at an angle towards the gingival margin
Place the tips of the bristles tilted at an angle towards the gingival margin
Brush the teeth systematically
Photograph of a toothbrush brushing the outer surfaces of lower teeth. 1. Firstly, brush the outer surfaces of the lower teeth. The toothbrush head should be placed with the tips of the bristles tilted at an angle towards the gingival margin. Gently move the toothbrush in small scrubbing motions, working on two to three teeth at one time.
Photograph of a toothbrush brushing the inner surfaces of lower teeth.
2. Then brush the inner surfaces of teeth in the same way as brushing the outer surfaces.
Photograph of a toothbrush brushing the inner surfaces of lower incisors. 3. When we brush the inner surfaces of front teeth, we should hold the toothbrush upright using gentle motion brushing from the gingival margin towards the crowns of the teeth.
Photograph of a toothbrush brushing the chewing surfaces of lower teeth. 4. Then brush the chewing surfaces of the teeth with the toothbrush moving backward and forward.

5. Finally, brush the outer surfaces, inner surfaces and the chewing surfaces of the upper teeth in the same way as the lower one.

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