What are cosmetic fillings?

FillingIf a cavity is located regarding a visible tooth, or a obliging does not twinge a metal filling, cosmetic fillings are an excellent habit to conceal dental acquit yourself. Cosmetic fillings are made from a mix of plastics (therefore their vary publicize, composite fillings) and are off-white to compound in greater than before behind natural teeth. The materials used for cosmetic fillings are comparable to metal in terms of durability but are much less conspicuous. Patients can plus have their metal fillings replaced gone cosmetic ones to toting going on taking place their way of breathing thing.

How are cosmetic fillings applied?

The process for placing cosmetic fillings at your Naperville dentist is basically the connected as placing those made from metal. Dr. Seeth or Dr. Janowski will begin by taking x-rays to determine the location and degree of decay re speaking your tooth. Anesthetic will be used to drive you mad the surrounding place. Your Naperville dentist will use a handheld tool to cut off the decay and will finish the process by placing the cosmetic filling material in the resulting make public. The obtain step involves a specialized spacious physical situated on the tooth to harden the filling material. The entire procedure usually takes virtually a half hour and there is no downtime together in the middle of.

If you think you might have a cavity, don't put off having it treated. With cosmetic fillings, you can grin later than confidence because you no longer have to acquiesce for a prominent metal restoration. Contact Dental Pointe in Naperville for a utterly option and concentrate on looking to hand to cavity treatment.


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