Image result for sociologySociety and Geography:
Geography studies the environment and atmosphere conditions etc. How this geography conditions environments etc. are important for society. How the people of different geography conditions differ. How their culture differentiates from people of the place with another as regards modes, cultures and standards of living. The way the adjust to the environment. Say Antarctica – the geography conditions does not suit man. Thus society is related to geography. For society there must be suitable geography conditions which for example is the desert. Man or society has captured geography conditions in quite a few cases. The example that the 1st settlements took place near river banks clearly shows the physical features of the earth i.e. the geographical conditions affect the people. The culture of man develops according to his surroundings.
Society too affects the environment and moulds and uses these conditions. By capturing the geography conditions society is bringing about a great change in his environment and since geography studies. This environment, naturally when it changes the theories of geography too changes thus both geography and society are interdependent.
Barnes & Becker: "Society is neither the hand made nor the mistress of other social sciences but their sister".
L.F. Ward – "Society is the combination of other special social sciences". He gives an example – Blue & Yellow = Green, likewise society studies the general characteristic of all other social sciences and emerges as a separate science.
H. Spencer: "As the organismic theory the different social sciences are related to each other as are the different organs of the body". Social Darwinism's theory – Any living being enter in the struggle for survival & those who are the strongest of the fittest survive till the last. So also is the case with society. Those who adjust to the different institutions of society stay for long (till the last). The accept things last while those we discard (things in society) dies away. Socialism differ too shows this relation of all social sciences with society evolutionary – how from small units it grew.
According to Simpson – "Social science is a unity, but is not fictitious unity, it's a dynamic unity of operating parts and these parts are indispensable to each and all others".

Relation between Sociology & Anthropology

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