Social Stratification

Image result for sociologyThe word stratification means division when we say social stratification it means divisions in society. division in language, culture, wealth, property, birth, status, age & sex. This social stratification is found in society in some form or another in the world. This social stratification in simple society based one sex & age. In complex society it is based on capabilities, birth, wealth, property, inequality of prestige or difference in ranking system. Hierarchy system, status, position & power prestige is involved in ranking system of social stratification refers to the ranking system, status, position & power in society. Inequality exits.
Sorokin said that unstratific society is a myth. In our societies, social stratification is to caste & class.
Sorokin explained social stratification means the differentiation of the given population. Into hierarchally superposed class; it is manifested in existence of upper & lower social layers." He further says unstratified society with social equality of its members is a myth which has never been realized in the history of mankind." According. to Raymond necessary - Stratification is a horizontal division of society into higher or lower social units. Lundberg – describes about social stratification as a stratified society is marked by inequality, by difference as among people that are evaluated about them as been lower & higher. Kurt B.Mayor –"Social stratification is a system of differential which includes a hierarchy of social position whose occupants are treated as superior, equal or inferior to one another in socially imp. respects. Max Webter-"Social stratification is an organized manifestation of unequal power in society."Acc. to P.Kinsberg "Social Stratification linked is the division of society into permanent group or categories linked with each other by the relationship of superiority & sub-ordination."
Basis on Forms of Social Stratification – Biological stratification on Biological basis – age, sex, birth, race.
  1. age – childhood, youth, adult & old (superior or experienced)
  2. Sex – male & female. In the Indian context males are considered to be superior.
  3. Birth – refers to the caste system. This is divided into sub-castes. There are above 3000 castes & sub-castes. The Brahmin gets the highest position.
  4. Race-white & black usually white are superior. Caucasian – white, monoxide – yellow & Negroid – block. Socio – Cultural Basis – Education, wealth, property, business, occupation.
  5. Education –literate, illiterate. In this too is divided into many stratus.

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