Properties of Life
- cellular organization - containing 1 or more cells, w/ basic life activities in each cell; cells are separated by a membrane
- order - many different types of cells, each w/ molecular structures
- sensitivity - response to a stimulus (change in the environment)
- growth, development, reproduction - ability to grow/reproduce, pass down hereditary material
- energy utilization - taking in energy to do work
- evolutionary adaptation - long-term response to things that affect survival
- homeostasis - maintaining constant internal conditions
hierarchical organization - each level builds on the level below it in biology
- cellular level - atoms >> molecules >> macromolecules >> organelles >> cell
- organismal level - tissue >> organ >> organ system >> organism
- population level - population (group of same
species living in one place) >> species (group of organisms able
to interbreed) >> biological community >> ecosystem
emergent properties - results from how cells interact and work
- cannot be determined just be looking at the cells
- many creatures have the same type of cells, but appear/work differently
deductive reasoning - uses general principles/rules to predict specific results
- reasoning used in mathematics/philosophy
- used to test validity of general ideas
inductive reasoning - uses specific observations to make general principles/rules
- leads to generalizations that can be tested
- modern science uses specific observations to make general models, which are later tested
scientific investigations - all begins w/ series of observations
- hypothesis - suggested explanation that accounts for the observations; can be modified or replaced
- experiment - test of a hypothesis
- variable - factor possibly affecting the experiment
- control experiment - test where the variable is left unchanged
- differences in results between experiments are due to the variable change
- inconsistent results can lead to the hypothesis being rejected
- theory - either an explanation for natural phenomenon, or brings together many concepts once thought to be unrelated
- basic research - done just to expand knowledge
- applied research - done as part of some industry or job
- peer review - evaluation of any experiment to see if it's accurate
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