Retired police dogs require strong handlers.

Step 1

Contact your local police stations to express your interest in adopting a retired police dog. If the station doesn't handle the adoptions directly they will at least be able to point you in the right direction.

Step 2

Contact K9 officer training facilities to express interest in a retired police dog. Since most dogs stay with their handlers after retirement, you may have to add your name to the end of a long list.

Step 3

Get a list of requirements from the police station or agency. Make sure your home meets or exceeds all requirements.

Step 4

Prepare to have a home inspection when the time comes. During the inspection, make sure all members of your household are present. Most adoption agencies require interviews with all family members.

Step 5

Have veterinarian records available along with a waiver allowing your veterinarian to talk with the adoption agency about your history with pets.

Step 6

Do not adopt other animals, like cats, while you are waiting for your retired police dog. Agencies like K9 Global Training Academy will not place a dog in a home with a cat.

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